In 1963, Seiko introduced the iconic Seiko Sportsmatic 5, affectionately known as the Five. This timepiece made an indelible mark in the watch world with its innovative, no-frills design and practical features, which inspired its numeric designation: three hands, day-date, self-winding movement, water resistance, and a robust steel case and bracelet. This marked the genesis of the timeless Seiko 5 legacy.
Over the years, the Five has continually evolved while remaining true to its original formula, a tradition upheld in this latest limited-edition iteration, the ref. SRPJ57. This model represents a unique collaboration between the esteemed Japanese manufacturer and the Rowing Blazers clothing and accessories company.
With its high-contrast black-on-yellow color palette, a hairline-finished water-resistant case, and a comfortable steel bracelet, the SRPJ57 is a wearable monster of a toolwatch. The in-house 4R36 movement is proudly showcased by the exhibition caseback – a worhorse not devoid of watchmaking finess.
Comes with box and papers.